Subject Verb Agreement in Number Example

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in terms of number (singular or plural). This is an important rule to remember when writing content for SEO purposes, as search engines rely on accurate and grammatically correct content to ensure relevant search results.

Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement in number:

Example 1: The cat chases the mice.

In this sentence, the subject (cat) is singular and the verb (chases) is also singular. Therefore, the sentence is grammatically correct. If the verb were plural (chase), it would not agree with the singular subject and would be incorrect.

Example 2: The cats chase the mice.

In this sentence, the subject (cats) is plural and the verb (chase) is also plural. Therefore, the sentence is grammatically correct. If the verb were singular (chases), it would not agree with the plural subject and would be incorrect.

Example 3: Every student needs to bring their own pencil.

In this sentence, the subject (student) is singular, but the pronoun (their) is plural. This is a common error in subject-verb agreement. To correct this, the sentence can be rewritten as « Every student needs to bring his or her own pencil. »

Example 4: The team of scientists is conducting research on the effects of climate change.

In this sentence, the subject (team) is singular, even though it refers to a group of people. The verb (is conducting) is also singular, which agrees with the subject. If the verb were plural (are conducting), it would not agree with the singular subject and would be incorrect.

Example 5: The apples, pears, and bananas are all ripe.

In this sentence, the subject (apples, pears, and bananas) is plural, and the verb (are) is also plural. Therefore, the sentence is grammatically correct.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement in number is a crucial rule to remember when writing content for SEO purposes. By following this rule, your content will not only be grammatically correct, but also effective in getting your message across to your audience. Remember to always check your subject and verb agreement in number to ensure your content meets the standards of proper grammar.


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